For The Good & Welfare

by MasterMason


By Charles Connolly, J.W. Kitimat Lodge, No. 169, Kitimat, B.C.; Published in Masonic Bulletin, GRBC., Feb., 1972.

“Does any Brother have anything to offer, for the good and welfare of Freemasonry, or this Lodge in particular?”
You can almost hear a pin drop in the silence that follows, as the Worshipful Master’s plea goes unanswered.
One lecture that we are all familiar with contains,
“Do you have anything to give for the cause of charity?” and
“Would you have give if it had been within your power” and
“I congratulate you on your honorable sentiments.”
Would it be fair to say that the ‘good and welfare’ comes under this category?
And does it mean that when the Worshipful Master’s plea goes unanswered that we all know all there is to know about Freemasonry, does it mean that this is the end of the science, and does this mean that for the newly made Mason, the climax has been reached, and also that there is no further need for study?
In the silence that follows a Worshipful Master’s plea, is it true that we have nothing to offer for the good and welfare of Freemasonry?
When we hear such a challenge from the Worshipful Master, we are being offered the opportunity of a lifetime, the opportunity to get upon our feet and speak among friends, the opportunity of speaking on our feet and we can only gain form such an experience.
The more often we accept the challenge then the smaller will become our fears.
The Freemasons of today differs from the Freemason of our grandfather’s day; not in relation to our ideals, he did not have television, radio and the numerous weekly periodicals.
In today’s computer age we have to accept the fact that speed is essential, we have instant tea and instant coffee, we also have aerosol sprays that at the push of a button instantly solve the problem. Therefore, in the sense of learning, today’s Masonic Student, differs greatly from that of our grandfather’s day.
He has neither the time nor patience to sift through ancient volumes of history to seek the answers which he requires.
The various Masonic publishing houses, realizing such a need, have condensed huge volumes of Masonic literature for today’s student, in fact, all he requires to know of Freemasonry and its etiquette can be purchased in pocket sized editions at low cost. Many editions represent a life-time work devoted to Freemasonry and today’s student can reap the benefit of these interpretations. So whether we are in search of the meanings of symbolism, Masonic history or making a speech at a banquet, the Masonic student can have in his hands, for a few dollars, the condensed works, the experiences and teachings of many great men, who were also Freemasons.
With such a wealth of history, tradition, teachings and symbolism – call it what you will – can it be really true that nobody has anything to offer for the good of and welfare of Freemasonry or for our newly made Brethren in particular.
One of the interesting books I read dealt with visitation; it related how this Brother had visited a Lodge, and had heard the necessary questions being put to the new Brother, became quite alarmed when he heard, “How do you account for this which at first appears a “sparrows box’,” so at the conclusion of the ceremony approached the Brother in question and said, surely there must be some mistake and the word should have been ‘paradox’.

The visiting Brother was then assured that sparrow’s box it always had been in this particular Lodge and sparrow’s box it always would be. This then also goes to prove the value of visitation.
I also remember reading about Cleopatra’s needle, and immense stone monument, a gift form the King of Egypt. It now stands on the Thames embankment in London. While it was being uncrated, workmen accidently discovered in its base the working tools of a Master Mason.

In reading the symbolism of the apron I recall how the police force is almost like a giant steel apron, protecting society from the sparks of violence and corruption.
Does any Brother have anything to offer for the good and welfare of Freemasonry. I think we do; however, the next time we are challenged by our Worshipful Master let us not be shy about our presentation, as long as the true meaning is understood; we are among friends, who are depending on us.

To the readers who are Brethren & visitors I always find it interesting, when listening to a presentation of any kind and in any forum, to determine if the presenter knows and understands what he is saying, by the pronunciation of the spoken words.
Too often his work has been to memorize and not necessarily UNDERSTAND.

Just a quick thought!!!!!!!!
“How can we possibly emulate what we do not totally understand”

Have a wonderful day & God Bless

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