A most colourful article by VW Bro. Barry D. Thom, Author of the Phoenix Masonic Forum
St.Clair Lodge # 577, GL of Canada in the Provinces. of ON
In my 59 years of Masonry, I have visited many lodges, some unique, with Masonic wallpaper, and a wood burning pot belly stove, in the lodge room. Some magnificent, such as St. John’s lodge in Boston, Mass., with a 30 ft high ceiling, and a full pipe organ. There are 7 steps going up to the Master’s dias, 5 to the S.W. and 3 to the J.W. Others, very old, with ornate carvings on the chairs of the Principle Officers, the Mosaic Pavement painted on a piece of sail canvass. But one of the most beautiful lodge rooms is that found in Twillingate, NL. After 2 ½ years in our Covid Cave, only going out for groceries, doctors appointments, and take out food, we decided, enough is enough. We have been triple vaxxed, and we now must treat this as we do the flu, however, that being said we still are very cautious, wearing a mask in public places, and sanitizing. Our first four day outing took us to Twillingate, where we had made previous arrangements with Bro. John Holwell to visit the lodge there. Bro. John was very generous with his time and we shared over one hour in the lodge room. It is old, unique, magnificent, and one of the most beautiful lodge rooms that I have ever visited. The lodge was formed 133 years ago, however, the present lodge hall was built in 1907. Originally the lodge was # 2364 under the District Grand Lodge of England, and as such they follow Emulation Ritual. Their first Master was Wor. Bro. Andrew Gray.
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