God is the Answer

by Gregory Preston
We read the headlines daily and we listen to the news,
We are anxious and bewildered with the World’s conflicting views.
We are restless and dissatisfied and sadly insecure, and we voice our
discontentment over things we must endure.
For this violent age we live in, is filled with nameless fears, that grow
as we discuss things that come daily to our ears.
So instead of reading headlines, that disturb the heart and mind,
let us open up the Bible and in doing so we’ll find.
That this age is no different, from the millions gone before,
But in every hour of crisis, God has opened up a door, for all
all who sought his guidance and trusted in his plan.
For God provides the ANSWER that can not be found by man.
And although there’s hate and violence and dissention all around, we can
always find a refuge that is built on “ Solid Ground”
If we go to God believing that he hears our smallest prayer
and that nothing can befall us, when we are in his care.
For only by believing in the things we cannot see,
can all the Nations be United in a Peace that makes men Free.
For the skill of man can conquer new worlds in Outer Space, but
only our Creator, can endow mankind with grace.
And only Grace, that is divine, can unite us with each other and make
our enemies our friends and.

By Helen Steiner Rice from “Loving Thoughts” (1985)

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